Comparative Genomics
Genome Anchoring
As part of our ongoing interest in comparative and wildlife genomics, the lab is using molecular cytogenetics to anchor the genomes of several vertebrate species, including the South American Opposum, Green Anole, Guinea Pig, African Elephant and Brown Bat. This project, in collaboration with the Broad Institute/MIT, uses multicolor FISH technology to assign and orient large segments of the emerging genome assemblies to their precise chromosomal location.
Recent work was completed to map the genome of the Anole, in which we identified the sex chromosome system as being that typical of mammals. For full details click Nature link and see associated press release at NCSU newslink

Comparative Genomics
The appication of cytogenetics plays a key role in developing a better understanding of how genomes have been reorganized during speciation. We are able to apply molecular cytogenetic reagents developed in one species to the chromosomes of other species as a means to compare gross genome organization among species. Presently we are using molecular cytogenetic reagents that we have developed for the domestic dog to study the comparative genome organization in a range of wild canid species.